The Nature Research Center received funding from the Lithuanian Science Council for the project “Biopesticides for agriculture: harmful blooms forming species against plant pathogens” (P-MIP-24-699). The project aims to investigate the potential of the natural biomass of cyanobacteria collected in blooming waters of Lithuania against various pathogens of agricultural crops and to produce valuable bioproducts […]
The final conference of the project ”ALGAE – ECONOMY BASED ECOLOGICAL SERVICE OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS” took place on the 16th of November 2023 in Vilnius. The conference was organized in mixed (live and online) way and held in English. Mr. Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for the Environment, oceans and fisheries, made the welcome speech for participants […]
The 8th European Phycological Congress “Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution” was held on August 20-26, 2023 in Brest, France. France has a long and proud tradition of phycological research and has a very diverse algal flora. Brittany is a world hotspot for seaweed diversity with about 700 species and has historically developed a […]
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