Previous event: 2022.09.06
The seminar “Demonstration of algae harvesting in the Kaunas Reservoir” took place on the 6th of September 2022. During the first part of the seminar, achieved results of the project were presented together with the project partners from Poland, and the problems of algal blooms, ways solutions of improving water quality and use of algal biomass as a potential resource were discussed. Methods of remote sensing using unmanned aerial vehicles as well as the collection of cyanobacteria scums in the Kaunas Reservoir using the AS-L prototype constructed during the project were demonstrated during the second part of the seminar. The seminar was held in English. Prof. Liudas Mažylis, Member of European Parliament, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety made the welcome speech for participants from Brussels.
The seminar was organized in mixed (live and remote) way. Demonstration of unmanned aerial vehicles for observation and identification of cyanobacteria blooms as well as the harvester AS-L for collection of cyanobacteria in Kaunas Reservoir was streamed for online participants also. In total 48 representatives from different institutions such as Ministry of Environment, Environmental Protection Agency, State Service for Protected Areas, Environmental Projects Management Agency, Fisheries Service under the Ministry of Agriculture, Kaunas city municipality, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and others took part in the theoretical and practical (demonstration) parts of the seminar.
Additionally 25 participants from different institutions joined online for the presentations during the first part of the seminar. Among them there were participants from 5 foreign countries (Poland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, and Spain). Also Mr. Maris Stulgis, representative from EC DG MARE, participated in the discussions and followed the demonstration part. Also participants from Environmental Protection Agency, Vilnius and Klaipėda Universities joined to the seminar online as well.
1. Welcome speech by prof. Liudas Mažylis
3. Video film about the project
The biomass of Cladophora macroalgae was collected in the summer of 2024 in the Kaunas reservoir near the Pažaislis bathing area and in the river Nevėžis. A total of 1.5 tons of macroalgae biomass was collected and dried to be used for the production of valuable bioproducts.
Four researchers—Stina Krings, Franz Weinland, Tillmann Westphal, and Till Ider—from the University of Applied Sciences Lübeck (THL) visited the Nature Research Centre (NRC) from September 3 to 5, 2024. This visit provided a valuable opportunity for exchanging knowledge and experiences with the Laboratory of Algology and Microbial Ecology, especially regarding similar projects undertaken by the […]
The Nature Research Center and UAB Baltic UAV Services have patented the AS-LAND prototype for the collection of cyanobacteria biomass (Patent No. 7081, 12.08.2024).
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